Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Do you fear you are like your parents?

I am new to blogging. I thought I would jot down some thoughts I have been having today. Life usually is a blast for me. Lately I have been moving through some rough patches the last couple of weeks. I seem to be getting down on myself and frustrated with life. I can't help but think I am turning into my parents lately. I love my family and I had an amazing childhood, don't get me wrong, it's just I am constantly fighting this self created dysfunction around money lately. There was a limit that my parents had, a threshold of income they always seemed to be at, and I am experiencing a similiar level. I know I can't blame anyone but myself intellectually, but emotionally I want to blame anyone but me. I am experiencing success on my own terms, in my own way and supporting myself with a dream career. Still, as I write this today I want more. I havn't learned the lesson of enough, that right now in this moment there is enough. It sounds like lofty ideals out of reach of mere mortals. This will pass as everything does when you take it out, examine it, then let it go! We are all works in progress and boy have I progessed from when I had dreams 10 years ago about where I am now. Thank you for reading my first entry.
